Songs by bjkmenu

Play Name Game(s) Duel Rank
Bee Jam Blues Gitaroo Man May 2023: Playstation 2 Month 18/23
boomshockalaka NBA Jam April 2008: Free Month ALT
Bust Ya Chops Duke Nukem 3D October 2024: Aliens Month 23/26
Cammy Super Street Fighter 2: The New Challengers August 2008: Street Fighter Month 9/11
Chicken Sauce Chrono Trigger
Kung Fu
Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos
April 2023: Free Month 34/40
Courage in Fonky Town Wild ARMs June 2023: Wild West Month 18/25
Course 2 in 3 Hours Kirby's Dream Course April 2009: 8-bit vs. 16-bit Month ALT
Decayed Running Spirit Wild ARMs June 2023: Wild West Month ALT
Deja Blue Deja Vu August 2024: Mystery Month 15/25
EPOR Shadowgate April 2008: Free Month 25/25
Fever Time Legend of Zelda
Super Mario World
July 2023: Silent Protagonists Month 22/29
Groovy Jim Hurts My Ear Earthworm Jim December 2008: Sidescrollers Month 30/35
hiroshortykittyn Bust a Groove November 2007: Enix Games Month 12/12
I Love DoD Rayman
Super Mario Bros. 2
August 2009: Free Month ALT
Kintaro is Error Mortal Kombat 2
Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link
July 2008: Free Month 16/23
kirbysreamcoursemusic5alt.mp3 Kirby's Dream Course February 2008: Kirby Month ALT
kittynalt Bust a Groove November 2007: Enix Games Month ALT
marble zone rough cover Sonic the Hedgehog January 2025: Sonic Brevity Month ALT
Mei Li De Jia Xiang Cover Guitar Freaks 8th Mix July 2008: Free Month ALT
Midknight Eternal Champion Blade Eternal Champions April 2024: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive Month 20/28
Muttonhead is a Nuts Cracker Popful Mail December 2007: Free Month 42/46
Noob Kombat Crap Mortal Kombat February 2009: Free Month ALT
Parappa the Hackalt PaRappa the Rapper December 2007: Free Month ALT
Peaceful Days Metal Revenge Chrono Trigger December 2006: Chrono Series Month 17/25
Pebble Beats (Many) Pebble Beach Golf Links June 2011: One vs Many Month 6/10
Powder Blue Ryu and Chun-Li in Africa Street Fighter Alpha 3 June 2008: Boss vs. Hero Month 15/23
readygo Ristar April 2008: Free Month ALT
Red Beans and Ristar Ristar September 2023: 20th Anniversary Month ALT
REEJ Racer Ridge Racer December 2023: 32-Bit Era Month 19/23
Ristar Meets King Egger Ristar
Adventures of Lolo
July 2009: Password Games Month 11/17
Select Your Nutjob Street Fighter Alpha
Street Fighter Alpha 2
August 2008: Street Fighter Month ALT
Squitter Songo Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest May 2007: Fire vs. Ice Month 14/23
Super Mario Kart Battle Request Super Mario Kart July 2008: Free Month ALT
The Metroid Front The Hybrid Front
June 2024: Franchise Fusion Month 16/26
tibone music frickin (original - tibone) Sonic the Hedgehog 2 August 2011: Recover Month 12/15
Time Warp Mario Kart 64
Nintendo Land
September 2024: Party Month 13/24
Town Wild ARMs September 2007: Free Month ALT
Travel Size Vaseline Final Fantasy 7 November 2023: Final Fantasy Month 24/31
Voorhees Diarrhea Friday the 13th October 2023: Horror Games Month 16/27
Voorhees Trigger Kill Friday the 13th
Chrono Trigger
March 2007: Free Month 23/24

Songs featuring bjkmenu