It's a Free Month!!!

Free Month Banner

Con-smash-ulations to Ivan Hakštok, jnWake, Emunator, minusworld, Biggoron, and Newmajoe for melding together to take the top 3 in Franchise Fusion month!

July is a Free Month! That means any song from any game is acceptable. Get crackin'!

This month's banner art was made by Little Leaden Hearts!

Upload your submission for the month using our new Submission form!

Rule Updates

  • Use of generative A.I. vocals or voice filters that attempt to impersonate someone are not allowed on main entries.
  • Previously accepted submissions do not reflect the current submission policies.

We also have a Patreon for this site, with the main focus being raising money for monthly banner art (including this month)! Please consider contributing and helping support this VGM community! Subscribers get a sneak peek at upcoming banner art and a special role in our Discord server, along with a private channel for sneak peeks behind the DoD curtain.

Be sure to join our Discord server to chat about video game music and music production all month long!