Hot Master |
Mega Man 6 |
Shredster FreddySquarepants |
May 2024: Mega Man Redux Month |
7/34 |
i'LL mAkE a pOPsiCLe Of yOu |
Mega Man 8 |
Shrednobi Shredster MANiX FreddySquarepants |
July 2024: Free Month |
5/32 |
Spikes that Sting |
Mega Man X3 Super Mario 64 |
Shrednobi Shredster Alex Middleton FreddySquarepants |
June 2024: Franchise Fusion Month |
8/26 |
Zits Had One Job |
Battletoads in Battlemaniacs |
Shredster MANiX |
November 2024: David Wise Month |
5/34 |